This post was originally titled “Who Gives A Shit What Jake Thinks about Music?” but I toned it down. Anyway, 2020 was the year that I remembered that metal is more to me than Sabbath worshippers playing fuzzed-out Kyuss guitar tones...
One of the things I find most difficult as a human being is eating. Not that I can’t physically get food into my mouth, but more like I’m allergic to everything that most other humans call food. This paleo spare rib...
Everyone has a plumbus in their home. If you’ve been wondering how they make them, I’ve got these step by step instructions (marked up by Yoast!) so you’re welcome....
I just remembered this article I wrote on the eve(ish) of my 40th birthday, so I grabbed Mr. Peabody and hopped into the Internet Wayback Machine to dig it up. We accidentally overshot and ended up hanging out in the Roman...
A wise man (my former boss, Nico) once suggested I think about writing a user manual for myself, and sent me this article. I liked the idea, but I wasn’t sure what to do with the suggestion at first. Am I...